It has been a long while since I wrote here and much has happened in the world at large and in my own life, a lot of it not at all good, but here we are for now, still standing but sad for those many who are not.
At a global level we have seen the devastating affects of the global pandemic across all aspects of human life. This is not over yet, despite the deeply rooted desire that so many have to call time. We do not know what new variants will emerge and their characteristics and to not plan for worst case scenarios is just irresponsible. We should not fall into despair, we need to be hopeful but careful and prepared.
Democracy around the world is now in decline again, with the rise of more authoritarian regimes, populist leaders, and the rise of those who wish to roll back basic human rights.
And now we see war again in Europe and the threat of an escalation that may involve other countries and the appalling use of chemical and nuclear weapons. Many have found this shocking, we thought that we were beyond this and yet, here we are.
All of this is set against the all too visible impacts of a climate crisis that needs to be addressed with urgency. It is all to easy to feel overwhelmed with these multiple but interconnected crisis taking place at the macro level and their all too obvious impact on daily life. My plan is to write on all of the above topics to help myself better understand and deal with what is taking place.
On a personal level I dealt with being diagnosed with cancer last year. That is also an experience that I think has changed me and my priorities. I am fortunate enough to be in a country with an excellent public healthcare service and I am so sincerely grateful to all the wonderful staff in Finnish healthcare who treated me. I owe you my life. I have had surgery and treatment and, for now, I am fine and my health is improving physically and psychologically. I need to shout out my good friends and family who also were so vital in supporting me, especially those whose dark humour helped me through serious times. This I will also write about in the future posts. For now though, thank you – you know who you are.
What a time to be reemerging into the public sphere by writing. Though, as I state in the About section, I mostly write for myself. If you get something from reading it, then that is the cherry on top of the cream and icing, on top of the cake, on the plate, on the table.